
Q4: Week 6 Strengths and Challenges

I would consider my strengths as a writer to be finding ideas to write about and being able to make them flow well. I think that if your piece of writing flows well, that will make a well written paper because it would make sense. Also, I think I am good at making sure my paper is written all in the same tense because this will help to make it sound more developed. The traits of rhetorical situations that I feel like I am accomplished in would be being able to write for the appropriate audience, make my paper be written for the right purpose, and having the correct stance for my topic.  Some writing techniques that I need to work on from the papers I wrote this year would be having the correct citations and being able to support them fully with lots of detail. This is because lots of times when I was writing my papers I would be very repetitive in my supporting thoughts, which did not contribute to my paper in a good way. Also, I need to work on writing good introductions for my pape

Q4: Week 6 Hits and Misses

The piece of writing over the course of this year that I feel like I grew the most on was the literary analysis. This is because I feel like I got better at this type of writing, where you have pick a side, find quotes, and write explanations about them. At first when I was writing the literary analysis I was very stressed, and felt confused, but then I got used to it and it became relatively easier. Since this project lasted for a while, I feel that I got used to the process and got lots of practice for this type of writing. The piece of writing that was the worst for me this year was the personal narrative. This was because I feel like I was mainly telling my story, while confused if I was doing it right. There were times when I was writing this paper and I would write in the wrong tense so I would have to start over. Also, I was not sure how to make my paper flow and make it long enough, while using different types of writing techniques. This was because I felt like I kept adding

Q4: Week 4 comments

Grace S- What are your best sleepover memories?  Muskaan- #399 How has traveling affected you? 

Q4: Week 4 prompt

What places do you remember fondly from childhood? A place that I remember fondly from my childhood is the lake in the back of my old neighborhood. The lake is where my sister and I first learned to ride our bikes. It used to be an old tradition that as soon as we would drive up in our driveway from school we would go straight to our bikes without even going inside first to put our backpacks up. Our favorite thing to do was race around the lake and see who could finish first. I loved the lake because we would laugh so hard either because we would fall and thought it was funny, or were just in a good mood. Another place that I remember really well from my childhood was the playhouse in our backyard. My sister and I would always find imaginary things to do. This was no matter if it had to do with us playing in the mud or in the fountain. Also, we would pretend to cook on the fake stove, but it always led to arguments because one person would have something the other wanted. One time,

Q4: Week 4 Purple Hibiscus

As I read Purple Hibiscus, I am noticing lots of changes being made throughout the book, such as Kambili before and after she goes to Nsukka. Before she goes to Nsukka, she obeys her father and is scared of him. Kambili would always follow her schedule that her Papa gave to her. There was lots of pressure on Kambili to get first in her term during school, which resulted in her being called a "backyard snob" by her classmates. Also, before she went to Nsukka she was not allowed to associate with Papa-Nnukwu. Papa had considered him a "heathen" and thought the children had sinned if they were around him for to long of a time. After Kambili went to Nsukka and while she was with her aunt she stopped following Papa's schedule. Then, Papa-Nnukwu was living in the same house as her for a while too, which Papa was very mad about when he found out. This is a complete transition of actions and obedience that used to be seen from Kambili. After Kambili went home, she had

Q4: Week 3 comments

Anna Katherine- Political Post  Bronwyn- Political Post: Gun Control Debate After Parkland