
Showing posts from January, 2018

Q3: Week 3 ATDPTI response

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a relatively easy read. It makes sense as you read it and teaches you some good life lessons. This a book that uses humor but at the same time teaches you about acceptance and following your dreams. The  Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is different than most of the books I have read, but it is interesting. Junior is the main character. He is a character that can be described as having hope. Although Junior understands that the Indians go to school at the Reservation, he believes that he wants to go to Reardan. He follows through with that thought and states that if he didn't do it now he never would. Another thing that Junior does that demonstrates hope is that most of the time Junior expects that he won't have a ride home from school but he keeps his head up and finds a way to get home even if it means walking or catching a ride with someone else.

Q3: Week 2 comments

Anna Katherine: New Semester Reflection Grace: New Semester Reflection  My week 2 comments are posted as week 1 and my week 1 comments are posted as week 2. 

Q3: Week 3 Research Post

My topic is King Henry VIII. One of his main goals was to have a male heir to carry out his family name. He was England's most valuable monarch. King Henry VIII started the English Revolution by breaking away from the Church of Rome. He had six wives and purposely got rid of them if they could not provide him with what he wanted. For instance, he married Anne Boleyn because he thought that she could have a male heir, but after he found out she couldn't, he falsely accused her of treason and had her imprisoned. My research question is " Did King Henry VIII’s desires for an heir to the throne and gaining popularity justify his actions?". King Henry VIII was important because he only cared about what he wanted therefore, some of his actions were unneeded  and harmful. He was secretly  married to Anne Boleyn, his second wife, before her coronation. This action shows that King Henry VIII was impulsive to make decisions based on how bad he wanted something.  

Q3: Week 1 comments

Grace S: Research Update Anna Katherine: Research Update 

Q3: Week 2 Research Update

So far, my research project has been going well. I have not had any problems finding information that can contribute to my project. Whenever I was writing my annotated bibliographies, I was having trouble knowing what I was writing about because I felt like I was being very repetitive with my information when trying to answer my research question.  I think this is because I didn't have my topics yet so I wasn't thinking about broad ideas. Now that I have my topic for my notecards I feel like the writing is much easier and more organized. I used to have trouble keeping all of my information in order to differentiate between my sources when writing my annotated bibliographies. Although, now the notecards are helping me organize my information because you take little pieces from the writing and read further into them. Also, I am able to find a lot more detailed information in my sources for the notecards rather than just writing from one research question. 

Q3: Week 2 The Weekend

Over the weekend, before Martin Luther King Jr. day, I went to Mobile to visit my grandparents. We  celebrated a late Christmas with them. It was exciting because they just moved from Shreveport and I had never seen their new house before. Also, they live on a bay so it was fun to get to ride in a boat, even though it was freezing outside. On Sunday, we drove back from Mobile and went to dinner to watch the Saints game. Then, the next day was Martin Luther King day so we had the day off from school.  We slept late and did our homework and got ready for the school the next morning. Although, I woke up and school was cancelled due to the weather. My friend and I then started sledding down the icy street. 

Q3: Week 1: Who do you look up to in your life? Why?

The person in my life that I look up to the most is my grandfather. He lives about two hours away from my family but he always calls us. I feel like my grandfather can always see the best in people and that is a good factor to have. He lives in a small town where he knows everyone. So, whenever we go visit him and we all go somewhere, he knows almost everyone we see. He is always is happy to stop and talk to them and ask them how they are doing. Almost every time I see my grandfather there is a smile on his face and he is laughing. Even though I do not get to see my grandfather a lot, I know the little things in life can always make him happy. He really values family time and having the whole family together since we all live in different places. My grandfathers favorite thing to do is tell me and my cousins funny stories from his past. Also, he never gives up. If he starts something he will always makes sure it gets finished. 

Q3: Week 1 New Semester Reflection

One thing that I learned about being a student in the fall semester was that you need to always stay organized. I feel like this is a key factor in success because it can help you to not miss completing assignments and always keep up with your work. Another thing that I learned from the fall semester is to always take advantage of tutorial time to ask your teachers questions. I feel like I have been the most successful on tests whenever I go to my teacher before and ask them any questions I might have. Finally, another factor from the fall semester that I learned that can help me in the spring is to work ahead. This is because there might be times that you have no work but then the next day you could have tons of homework and tests that you need to study for so you will become stressed.  My goals for the spring semester are to stay organized, always ask questions if I have any, and strive to make good grades. I feel like if I stay organized and always ask questions it will help me to