Q3: Week 1 New Semester Reflection

One thing that I learned about being a student in the fall semester was that you need to always stay organized. I feel like this is a key factor in success because it can help you to not miss completing assignments and always keep up with your work. Another thing that I learned from the fall semester is to always take advantage of tutorial time to ask your teachers questions. I feel like I have been the most successful on tests whenever I go to my teacher before and ask them any questions I might have. Finally, another factor from the fall semester that I learned that can help me in the spring is to work ahead. This is because there might be times that you have no work but then the next day you could have tons of homework and tests that you need to study for so you will become stressed.

 My goals for the spring semester are to stay organized, always ask questions if I have any, and strive to make good grades. I feel like if I stay organized and always ask questions it will help me to achieve my goal of making good grades in all my classes. During the fall semester I have learned that by keeping high grades in my classes it can help me during exams and allow me to not be very stressed. This is really important since we have many exams and have lots of information to study.


  1. I completely agree that you should use tutorial time wisely before tests and quizzes. I also like that you included advice about getting ahead with homework. Great post!


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