Q3: Week 3 Research Post

My topic is King Henry VIII. One of his main goals was to have a male heir to carry out his family name. He was England's most valuable monarch. King Henry VIII started the English Revolution by breaking away from the Church of Rome. He had six wives and purposely got rid of them if they could not provide him with what he wanted. For instance, he married Anne Boleyn because he thought that she could have a male heir, but after he found out she couldn't, he falsely accused her of treason and had her imprisoned.

My research question is "Did King Henry VIII’s desires for an heir to the throne and gaining popularity justify his actions?". King Henry VIII was important because he only cared about what he wanted therefore, some of his actions were unneeded and harmful. He was secretly married to Anne Boleyn, his second wife, before her coronation. This action shows that King Henry VIII was impulsive to make decisions based on how bad he wanted something.  


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