Q4: Week 2 Purple Hibiscus Reading Response

In the book, Purple Hibiscus, there is a simile used on page 52. This simile states, "It was like balancing a sack of gravel on my head every day at school and not being allowed to steady it with my hand." This simile shows the struggle that Kambili was facing because everyone calls her a "backyard snob". This was occurring because she was not talking to people at school due to the pressure she was under. She was under so much pressure because she came in second last term and she is scared of her father and is nervous about coming in first this term. Therefore Kambili is focused on being perfect for school. 

Papa has very strict rules about the people around him, such as not using "gbo" words in public.  Whenever Papa goes to school with Kambili to see Chinwe Jideze, the girl who beat her and got first in the term, he used the "ebo" words. Therefore, we can draw a conclusion that he is stern about the rules he enforces for the people around him, even though he does not always follow them. Also, Papa is abusive and the family members around him can be considered scared. There is multiple times where mama has told one of her kids to let something go and continue so they do not anger Papa. Such as,
"Nne did it go well? Your face is not bright." She stood aside to let me pass.
"I came second."
Mama paused. "Come and eat. Sisi cooked cocnut rice." (39)

This shows that mama became nervous for Kambili after she told her that she came second in the term, not first.  


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