Q4: Week 4 prompt

What places do you remember fondly from childhood?

A place that I remember fondly from my childhood is the lake in the back of my old neighborhood. The lake is where my sister and I first learned to ride our bikes. It used to be an old tradition that as soon as we would drive up in our driveway from school we would go straight to our bikes without even going inside first to put our backpacks up. Our favorite thing to do was race around the lake and see who could finish first. I loved the lake because we would laugh so hard either because we would fall and thought it was funny, or were just in a good mood.

Another place that I remember really well from my childhood was the playhouse in our backyard. My sister and I would always find imaginary things to do. This was no matter if it had to do with us playing in the mud or in the fountain. Also, we would pretend to cook on the fake stove, but it always led to arguments because one person would have something the other wanted. One time, we were in our playhouse and we decided we wanted to melt crayons to try and make multi colored crayons, but we ended up catching a rug on fire. Although luckily, our grandfather was near by and able to get rid of it before anything happened.


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