Q4: Week 4 Purple Hibiscus

As I read Purple Hibiscus, I am noticing lots of changes being made throughout the book, such as Kambili before and after she goes to Nsukka. Before she goes to Nsukka, she obeys her father and is scared of him. Kambili would always follow her schedule that her Papa gave to her. There was lots of pressure on Kambili to get first in her term during school, which resulted in her being called a "backyard snob" by her classmates. Also, before she went to Nsukka she was not allowed to associate with Papa-Nnukwu. Papa had considered him a "heathen" and thought the children had sinned if they were around him for to long of a time.

After Kambili went to Nsukka and while she was with her aunt she stopped following Papa's schedule. Then, Papa-Nnukwu was living in the same house as her for a while too, which Papa was very mad about when he found out. This is a complete transition of actions and obedience that used to be seen from Kambili. After Kambili went home, she had the painting of Papa-Nnukwu with her. One time she had it out and Papa walked in her room and saw it and it resulted in Kambili being in the hospital. Even though while they are at their Aunt's house she makes comments about their father and how she knows the truth,  I believe that Kambili as a character starts to become a new person after realizing what was happening and begins to be able to have conversations with more people and also she laughs for the first time.


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