Q4: Week 6 Hits and Misses

The piece of writing over the course of this year that I feel like I grew the most on was the literary analysis. This is because I feel like I got better at this type of writing, where you have pick a side, find quotes, and write explanations about them. At first when I was writing the literary analysis I was very stressed, and felt confused, but then I got used to it and it became relatively easier. Since this project lasted for a while, I feel that I got used to the process and got lots of practice for this type of writing.

The piece of writing that was the worst for me this year was the personal narrative. This was because I feel like I was mainly telling my story, while confused if I was doing it right. There were times when I was writing this paper and I would write in the wrong tense so I would have to start over. Also, I was not sure how to make my paper flow and make it long enough, while using different types of writing techniques. This was because I felt like I kept adding different techniques in different sections of my paper, but it made it sound choppy.   


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