Q2: Week 4 LOTF

In reading Lord of the Flies, I have noticed many interesting aspects of the book. One of these is that the author does not tell its readers who is talking. This can be a problem in getting the characteristics of certain characters confused. For example, when we were trying to figure out which characters believed in the beast and which ones didn't and the characters specific thoughts on the beast this led to some confusion. It was a problem identifying which character said which line because what each character said revealed a lot about them and their character traits.

Also, as I have continued to read Lord of the Flies, I have noticed the true personalities of each character. Also, I have noticed how the character and their personality traits have evolved over the course of the book. I feel like the readers have really seen Jack's personality better as we read further into the book. I would describe Jack's personality as being quick to anger.


  1. I agree about the confusion that comes from the lack of speech tags. It mirrors the chaos that is happening on the island.


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