
Showing posts from October, 2017

Q2: Week 2 comments

Katie- Human Nature  Anna Katherine- How is High School Different Than Middle School?

who in your life has made the greatest impact on you?

My grandfather has made the biggest impact on me. He does not live in Baton Rouge, so I do not get to see him very often. He is very wise and funny. He will never fail to make you laugh and he always knows the right things to say to cheer you up. Also, he is very helpful to others. Whenever you mention one thing that you might need help with, he is insistent on helping you with it, no matter the job. My grandfather always has the answer to everything. No matter the problem, he can help you with it and cheer you up along the way. Whenever my sister and I go to visit him, his favorite thing to do his play board games. He is a very competitive person, so it is always funny to watch. Also, he lives on a bay in Alabama so my sister and I will always go on the boat which is fun since we don't get to do that in Baton Rouge. Finally, he has many dogs and I love animals.

Human Nature

My belief about human nature is that humans are full of possibility. I believe that if someone really puts their mind to something and believes that they can achieve it, then it is possible. Also, I believe that humans are able to make many choices, but the types of choices they make are up to them. I feel like the types of choices a person may make can be influenced by many different factors, such as the way you were raised, or the people you spend lots of time with. I believe that my family led me to my beliefs because I spend the most time around them. Also, I believe that I got these beliefs from the phrase "learning from your actions". This is because if you have the choice between right and wrong, and all the power is in your hands to make that choice, your choice will likely be based upon what you have picked up and learned from your surroundings. Your parents always push you to be the best you can be and to make good decisions, and that all leads up to making good de

Q1: Week 8 comments

Katie- Fall Break  Grace- Fall Break Free Post 

Q1: Week 8- Fall Break

Over fall break, I went with a friend to Dallas, Texas. We flew on a plane out of New Orleans to get there. As soon as we landed at the airport, we all headed to baggage claim to retrieve our luggage. This always makes me anxious because you always see everyone else's luggage go by, but not yours. I get especially nervous when everyone with me gets their luggage and I still haven't seen mine. I always think it didn't make it on the plane. As soon as we all retrieve our luggage, we head to the car. It is difficult to fit all of our belongings into the tiny car so my friend and I ended up having luggage piled up on us in the backseat. Although, the luggage did not block our view from seeing the very bright city with all of the tall buildings. I always enjoy seeing the tall buildings at night because I do not see this in Baton Rouge. Finally, as we pull into the driveway of our hotel, we notice that is right across the street from a beautiful campus, SMU.

Q1: Week 8- A&P Response

A&P was an interesting short story about a boy named Sammy. He supports his family by working at the A&P grocery store. The setting is in a town north of Boston.  Sammy did not go to college, but instead worked at the A&P to support his family. Sammy ends up quitting his job and  later  realizes how hard it will be to get another one. The temporal setting in A&P was in 1961 on a summer Thursday afternoon. The physical setting of A&P  was in the middle of a town north of Boston and was about five miles from the beach. Also, Sammy was in the third stall across from the deli in the A&P grocery store. The social setting in A&P  was tightly run, it had cultural references, and there was a dress code. Also, there was social class division because it had Sammy supporting his family and rich girls on vacation getting expensive snacks for party supplies.

Q1: Week 7- comments

Katie- Flash Fiction  Muskaan- Harrison Bergeron

Q1: Week 7- Response to Harrison Bergeron

Harrison Bergeron is a story that is set in the future. It explores the views of equality. All of the people in this short story try to become "normal", which means they are unintelligent. This means that you are given physical restrictions. In Harrison Bergeron , if you are pretty you have to wear a mask, and if you are strong you have to wear heavy handicaps. I came up with many questions after reading Harrison Bergeron . A level one question would be what does the Handicapped General do? A level two question could be why does everyone need to be equal? Finally, a level three question is do we want true equality?

Q1: Week 7 short story

Kate has been waiting for this day for five years. Her parents promised her that when she was fifteen, she could fly by herself to the summer camp she attended every year since she was eight years old. Her parents anxiously waited with her at the gate to board her plane. Kate was not nervous at all. She had one lay over before meeting her camp counselor at her final destination.  Kate landed in Atlanta and was so excited to be one step closer to getting to the counselors and the camp that she loved so much. She checked the screens for her connecting flight information and headed to the gate for Asheville, North Carolina. She got to the gate and waited and must have missed an announcement that her flight had been moved to another gate. She boarded the plane not knowing what had happened and was soon on her way to Orlando, Florida. She had not realized what had happened until she heard the pilot say "Welcome to Orlando folks." At that moment, she found herself thinking that m