who in your life has made the greatest impact on you?

My grandfather has made the biggest impact on me. He does not live in Baton Rouge, so I do not get to see him very often. He is very wise and funny. He will never fail to make you laugh and he always knows the right things to say to cheer you up. Also, he is very helpful to others. Whenever you mention one thing that you might need help with, he is insistent on helping you with it, no matter the job.
My grandfather always has the answer to everything. No matter the problem, he can help you with it and cheer you up along the way. Whenever my sister and I go to visit him, his favorite thing to do his play board games. He is a very competitive person, so it is always funny to watch. Also, he lives on a bay in Alabama so my sister and I will always go on the boat which is fun since we don't get to do that in Baton Rouge. Finally, he has many dogs and I love animals.


  1. Your grandfather sounds like a wonderful man. I can tell y'all are close.

  2. He sounds like a great grandfather! I like how you included where he lives and that he is very competitive. Nice work!


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