Q2: Week 5 LOTF Response

[Piggy:] "I don't agree with all Jack said, but with some.  'Course there isn't a beast in the forest.  How could there be?  What would a beast eat?"
"We eat pig."
"I got the conch!" said Piggy indignantly.  "Ralph--they ought to shut up, oughtn't they?  You shut up, you littluns!  What I mean is that I don't agree about this here fear.  Of course there isn't nothing to be afraid of in the forest.  Why--I been there myself!  You'll be talking about ghosts and such things next.  We know what goes on and if there's something wrong, there's someone to put it right."
He took off his glasses and blinked at them.  The sun had gone as if the light had been turned off. [...]
"Life," said Piggy expansively, "is scientific, that's what it is.  In a year or two when the war's over they'll be traveling to Mars and back.  I know there isn't no beast--not with claws and all that, I mean--but I know there isn't no fear either."
Piggy paused.
Ralph moved restlessly.
"Unless what?"
"Unless we get frightened of people." (83-84)

This passage is important because you feel that there is an internal struggle with trying to figure out what is real and what is not. The quote that states "Unless we get frightened of people" is possible foreshadowing of the conflict that is approaching among the boys. When Piggy says "I got the conch" is shows that the conch shell is the symbolism for order on the island during that time. This is because Piggy believes in order. I know this because Piggy says "We know what goes on and if there's something wrong, there's someone to put it right."  

Also, this passage tells us that Piggy and Jack do not believe that there is a beast in the forest, but he also realizes that fear exists as well. This is because he says "What I mean is that I don't agree about this here fear." Also, Piggy believes that life is scientific. This could correspond with his reasoning behind thinking that there is no beast in the forest. 


  1. I really like how you used this passage to ask questions about the rest of the book and about the characters. Great job!

  2. Good post! I really liked how you discussed all of the different aspects of this quote, which is a super important one.


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