Q2: Week 5 Symbolism

As everyone is sitting on the beach, there is a different feeling in the air for me. The sun is shining and the water is blue, and there are the usual sounds of chatter and laughter along the shoreline. I am nervous and anxious, yet I can't figure out why. Maybe it is the hanging purple and red flags at the state park along the beach making me nervous. I notice this right as I am about to go into the ocean to cool off. The winds are so strong one of the flags blew away and lands in the ocean a few feet away from me.

Then, as I look down the beach , I see a lady spelling out something in the sand with red rose petals. This makes me smile and I forget about how hot I am and decide to take a walk down the beach to get a closer look. Walking down the beach I hear screams from both directions. Sounds of excitement and celebration on the beach from one direction and sounds of fear and horror from the water from the other direction. 

purple and red flag- danger
red rose petals- happiness  


  1. I liked this story a lot. I really loved your use of detail, and the story as a whole was very well written. Your use of symbolism was very strong, and what the objects symbolized made a lot of sense.


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