Q3: Week 7 Launch Posts

A presentation from LAUNCH that interested me the most was the one that demonstrated how companies attract people to buy their products. A key point that the presenter stated was how stores will place certain items in certain places. Such as, they place the milk towards the back of the store, so the customers would find others items to get along the way.

This fact was interesting to me because I never really thought of this when I went to the grocery store. I always just thought that they put the cold items in the back and the other items in the aisle for organization. Although, the companies place the milk in the back because it expires fast and many people need it often. Therefore, if customers go into the grocery store often for milk they will also get many other snacks that they don't need but want on the way to the milk. 


  1. I really liked Caroline's presentation because it was funny and humorous. I liked her explanation about milk too.


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