Q4: Week 3 political post

Nicole Chavez, Doug Criss, Ed Lavandera, and Amir Vera 

In the aftermath of the most recent school shooting in Florida, there is a growing debate about whether teachers should carry guns with them to school and into the classrooms. Currently, President Donald Trump is proposing bonuses for educators who are willing to undergo gun training. There are critics of this idea and some think it is a “ridiculous“ thought. Laws regarding guns in schools are different from state to state but some states have laws that allow teachers with proper permits to carry guns on K-12 school campuses. It seems that school officials have faith in a local law-enforcement but feel if help is too far away, employees at the school can provide the best defense and prevent loss of life. 

This issue is becoming more and more important. I believe it is a terrifying reality that crosses the minds of almost all students at one point or another, especially after seeing so much news on recent school shootings. Carrying firearms on school campuses is not an easy privilege for educators to obtain. They are required to complete 80 hours of training on issues including the use of force, weapon training, legal issues and first aid. If an educator is willing to take on this commitment, I feel that it is something worth looking into for schools across the nation. There are many different views on this controversial topic, but I think a common goal should be for students and teachers to feel as safe as possible on their school campuses. 


  1. You did a great job of summarizing the article. I really like how you stated your opinion while also providing more factual evidence from the article. Great job!

  2. I was also thought it was terrifying for us to hear about gun incidents often in the news. Why do you think the gun incidents have become so common in our country?


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